Manufacturing in Mexico?

Nowadays the term maquiladora refers to any part of manufacturing, assembly or packaging carried out by a company other than the original manufacturer. Mexico's Maquiladora Industry, was born in the mid-sixties, as an economic response to rising labor that took place in Japan and the United States, two highly industrialized countries.

On May 20, 1965 Policy Development to the Maquiladora Industry it is set in the north of the country; with the implementation of the program of the Northern Border by the Federal Government. With the program, the maquiladoras are responsible to create jobs, strengthen the country's trade balance through higher net foreign exchange contribution; inter industry contribute to greater integration and help to increase the international competitiveness of the domestic industry and worker training; and promote the development and transfer of technology in the country.

Currently these objectives remain valid under the terms of the Decree for the Development and Operation of the Maquiladora Export Industry dated June 1998.

The legal framework of the Export Maquiladora Program, including legal systems and: fiscal and following provisions:

  1. Decree for the Development and Operation of the Maquiladora Export Industry, published in the Official Journal of the Federation. June 1998 Reform diverse than November 13, 1998 and October 30, 2000.
  2. Customs Law and its Regulations.
  3. Omnibus Foreign Trade and amendments.
  4. Law on Value Added Tax (VAT) and its Regulations.
  5. Fiscal Code of the Federation and its reforms.
  6. Tax Law Income and Its reforms.

Why Mexico?


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